BioEclipse Therapeutics — More Than Just A Story Of Rebranding

BioEclipse Therapeutics — More Than Just A Story Of Rebranding

Source: Life Science Leader
By Rob Wright, Chief Editor, Life Science Leader


bioeclipse life science magazine coverWhenever a company changes its name and goes through a complete rebrand, there’s always an interesting backstory filled with numerous business decisions and, on occasion, some drama. As such, the leaders of these companies are usually less willing to talk about their past, wanting instead to focus only on espousing the positivity of their future direction, strategy, and mission. Luckily for Life Science Leader subscribers, Pamela Contag, Ph.D., believes we can all learn from the past.


In 2006, Contag cofounded ConcentRx (pronounced concen-tricks), but the biopharma rebranded in 2016 to become BioEclipse Therapeutics. When asked about the details of what transpired between those 10 years, Contag was extremely transparent, sharing not only her frustrations but the wisdom she earned throughout this unusual business journey.